Need help with second color

Take a look at this attached picture. I know this color scheme may have been done already, but I really like it and have yet to use it on a site, so my next site is going to use this color scheme.

My question is what color do you think would compliment the light blue well (for links and maybe headers)?

Thanks in advance guys!

get the trial version of this software and play with your colors. Can really help you get over the color hump

wow I really like the potential of this program. Unfortunately, I don’t have a computer right now and I only use the one’s in my school’s lab… thus I can’t install anything. I’m going to go to the ITS dept. and request that it be installed though.

how bout a dark blue? … i love blues :love: ! i use a lot of blue in My Site if u wanna see a use of blue…


yeah that app DDD mentioned is great. In regards to the colour, i think light pastel colours will work, light orange, or greens.

Ask google :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree with 3d nirvana. dark blue was the first thing that came to my mind.