Need Help With Text Button

Hello Everyone,

I’m trying to create a button with text on it. However, when your mouse passes over the button the text spreads out, fades, and then returns to it’s original state. I am not quite sure how to create this effect.

I do know of a site where they have this effect. If you like please go there and check it out. It will help you better understand what I’m trying to acheive. Just skip their intro and look at the text on their interface.

I appreciate your help.



What I would do is create a movie clip of the text moving and fading out using simple tweens and give it an instance name something like “textMC”. Then I’ll make another movie clip containing your button and on this movie clip I would apply this action:

on (rollover) {

So when you rollover the botton, it’s telling textMC to play which is the animation of the effect you wanted. I posted an fla for you to look at. Hope it helps. =)

put the spreading out and fading animation on the roll over state of the button…heres an example…just have a look in the hello button :slight_smile:

Hey Guys,

Thanks for your help everyone. That’s exactly what I needed. It’s funny, once I looked at the files you uploaded it was easy to understand - it almost makes you feel stupid - LOL! Anyway, thanks again!(-:

Bezzer, I was going to show kelly your method, but if you rollover it fast, the animation doesnt play so I showed her the other way. I hope thats what she wanted. =)