I want to make a button with a text on. As I rollOver the mouse on the button the text should start blinking… and when I rollOut the text should go back to normal…
I learned how to make a blinking text from this forum…:-\ but now i want to add the rollOver and rollOut script… i dunno how to make this work x_X … maybe i need a loop or something?
There are several ways to do what you want to do, but I’ll show you the easiest way.
Create a movieclip that plays the blinking text, I usually create just 2 frames inside that movclip, one frame would have the text and the 2nd frame would be blank so when it plays, it will look like it’s blinking.
Create a button and on the “over” state of the button, place the blinking text movieclip you just created and on the “up” state, just have the normal text.
So now when you mouse over it, it will play the blinking movie clip and when you mouse out, it will just have the plain text. I hope that was clear enough. =)