Need Portfolio page checked

Just set up a new domain and have been quickly building a portfolio page before the rest of my site so I have something to show prospective employers for the time being. Text is dummy text right now.

Looking for usability critique (i.e., is the navigation too difficult to figure out? Is the presention of portfolio pieces set up poorly? What could use improvement? etc.) Any c + c is appreciated.



It’s a nice clean design. It’s a bit emty though. Like the colors.
*Me sitting in a darkend room doesn’t have pain in my eye’s. GOOD WORK :beam:

Take away the scrollor. Remove the movie and make it just about 30 pix smaller _y
that would be great or, just move the main thing up a few px.

It is a little plain but otherwise nice and organized. Maybe a background image would be good.

That’s the idea of the page…minimalist approach. I just wanted to get the portfolio pieces up quickly and have it still look good while working out a full site on the side.

I prefer the minimalist aproach myself, and I think you pulled it off well. The only suggestion I have is to take another look at your navigation. If you have to tell your users where the interface is and how to use it, something is probably wrong. Just some food for thought.

plain, simple, and neat