Need sound help for WRAF

Hey guys, I’m planning on bringing back WRAF, since it’s been on hiatus for a while (I didn’t have a job, but I have one now.) One of the things I need is people who can do sound effects, either with fruity loops or whatever… this is going to be pretty serious, and there’s going to be deadlines and everything… you know the deal. So if you want to help out, reply here.

Also, I’m looking for more DJs… right now the only DJs would be Soul and I (and maybe Kit)… if you want to do your own shows for WRAF, you need to make sure you know flash…


make any kewl soudn with frity loops yet RAF??

Not yet… and I haven’t found time to learn, that’s why I need help with this stuff…

can’t help you there … but congrats on getting the new job =)

What kind of sound effects do you need?


Hey Lava…

I could certainly do a few shows man but I dont think I could comit to one every week. Thats why I never did the metal show…

hehe, I used to do Savage Radio for a bit. Music and quake 3 commentary :slight_smile: Not sure I’ll actually have much time at the moment… but maybe we’ll see. My online situation is hazy since my pc isnt on the network.

btw, “if you want to do your own shows for WRAF, you need to make sure you know flash” - why is that exactly?

he does the show interface in flash… well actually you do it in flash and then send it to him.

so what do you need… like dance music? i can do that stuff, and dex can as well

Hey I wouldnt mind Dj’ing But what kind of stuff do I need to play… etc… if u post more info for DJ’s I can do it!

Just sweet music from bands few people have heard of… No Dave Mathews, no Metalica, no Cake etc…

I’m in!

so it’s not live then? :frowning: i listened to some of Soul’s set :wink: hehehe

so what would be required of us if we were to help raf? do we record it and send it to you? what bitrate do we use? mp3? legal restrictions? what’s all this about doing it in Flash? what about a timelimit? etc etc FAQ* please :slight_smile:

[size=1]*FAQ = Fundamental asphalt Questions ;)[/size]

details! DETAILS! :slight_smile:

impatient! IMPATIENT! :stuck_out_tongue:


well, I’ve already noticed him on here twice (?) today! does he not read his own threads? :slight_smile: I wanna help! :stuck_out_tongue: heard some of your show btw m8 :wink:

“details! DETAILS!” was actually just a bump in disguise, I thought he might notice the thread again if I did that… but no :*(

Perhaps he’s ignoring you because he doesn’t want you to have a show :bad:

  • Soul :s:
