WRAF - my online radio show, finally done

Yes, this is spam…

I wanted to let you know about my online radio site: WRAF.

Click here to check it out

You guys can listen to the show I do every Sunday, listen to new music, and discuss your musical tastes in the forums. I’m doing this site to showcase good artists that are under the radar, and to let people expand their musical tastes (not to mention to let people expand MY musical taste). Check it out.

Here’s the favor that I’m asking… hehe… I’m starting to tell the world about it now that it’s functional, and I’d like for people to go into the forums and see that there’s people there… so can you guys go there and have fake conversations? hehe…

I’m also looking for people who want to write articles, become moderators, help out with design, etc…

Also, if you like it, can you link to it? I have a section there on how to stick a button on your page…

thanks! :slight_smile:

PS… this is the last I’m posting on this.

wow thats cool!!! keep up the good work!=)

you put a link to my site in your links section:)



I love your radio show… cant wait for the next one

whoops… will fix that when I get back home…

great job on your site man
well off to work i go everyone
see ya

You have a PM Lava :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :goatee:

if you want some help with design, ill help!

check my site to see if you like my stuff!!!


hey, thanks for your help Mariofan!

I need help with MANY design elements of my site, especially the player, and making the site look more “Full”

I also need to redesign the forums…

I hope you can help with this and more! (I love the smileys thing you’re doing here…) On the WRAF forums, I started a develpment thread, we can talk, envision, dream, and get organized and plan there… we can continue this discussion there…

and please, tell your friends! hehe…