The new WRAF show is up

just to let you guys know, the new WRAF show is up.

thats a pretty good idea…i like this

and good tunes as well

thanks! tell your friends

yeah they are, good tunes, nice layout, cool looking player.

hey lava, you should throw some funk in there…hehe

its very unknown territory

yeah… that’s why I’m trying to get other DJs…

My show will be up on about Tuesday, right Lava?

  • Soul :s:


yeah… as soon as you give me the stuff…

well if u need a funky dj up on your site lava, i’ll be glad to give it a try.

you have a pretty cool idea happenin there

thanks… You’re ok with flash, right?

yep sure am

Okay… What style of music are you trying to convey… I might be able to mix up some cool sounding stuff to plop in a show :slight_smile:

How long does the show have to be… About how many songs and all that good stuff.

haha… alright! 2 more people that want to be djs…
Well, first of all, you need to know flash so you can work with my template and reduce the file size. The rules are nothing mainstream (I put mainstream stuff from time to time, but you guys will have to check with me…), at least 10 songs, and you have to record your voice and include it in the show… this is what makes things different than just making something with shoutcast…

Hmm… lemme think here…

I definetly know the ins and outs of Flash so the template will be extremely easy… Especcially optimizing.

10 songs… Gotcha… And I have some cool ideas for songs as well. Will send you a playlist then :slight_smile:

~ playamarz

well, here’s what we can do… or what I’d prefer to do… I’ll send you the template, you send me a playlist, I approve it… then you record your voice and mix the show on flash… you send me the swf and I post it… sounds good? that’s what other people are doing.

Sounds like a plan… I have Fruityloops as well… So I can make some phat rhythyms to go behind my voice as well :wink:

oh cool… I’m looking for someone to make sound effects for the show… you interested?

Do you eat your buggers? lol i love your shows! they are sic. i listen every sunday =)

haha, thanks…