hey guys, after skipping a week, the new wraf show is up. You can hear it by going to this link: http://wraf.lavaland.netThe show “Under the radar” has been updated.
You can see AnOrak’s dancing dude on the main page. Also, Soul’s show has been recorded, and it will be up tomorrow.
yeah. His show this week is short though… I listened to it yesterday, it’s funny. But short. I’m going to smack him for that… hehe.
And he still hasn’t picked a name for his show! but that’s ok, the name I put up there is starting to grow on me.
haha, this is going to sound very self-serving, but I really like the show I did this week… I’ve been listening to it, and I sound really sexy! haha… I’m giving myself a pat in the back right here…