All of my friends are in spokane for a church camp… I feel alone too. but I still have my gf… however she is out with her friends right now. I was supposed to hang out with her but I don’t feel very good.
it also sucks because he’s going from probably THE BEST school district in the state to a area that’s not nearly as nice, in the outskurts of la, in a school that’s not nearly the standards as my school that he used to go to, but nothing wrong with, it’s still an okay school… just, that transition is a hard going from the best of the best…
Don’t get so down. The internet and email is a great way to stay in touch. I’ve moved many times and keep contact with friends from every place I’ve been. I know I’ll see them again.
I never make good byes a big deal as I think of them more as a see you later.
yeah, we’ll both be online all the time, but it’s just not the same like that, and you don’t feel you actually are there with them, so I’m thinking about buying a video thing for my computer… all my friends have one, all 1… 2… 3… 3 friends have one :lol:
well… at least it’d be easy to communicate, but with school coming… well, I have to get strait A’s as you know of couse
glad i hav’nt had a single friend whole of my life, just my gf as a friend n she’s away right now …oooh i just realized i am a part of this thread
sorry about ur loss mate, cheer up