My Buddy is Moving

Man, one of my best friends is moving to Pennsylvania this week. Kind of far from me being in New York. Not like I won’t ever see the kid again but we won’t see eachother often.

Stinks because I hang with this dude, literally everynight. Not to mention another one of my disgusting relationships went down the drain 2 days ago. I don’t care much becuase I don’t mind being alone for a while, kinda gives you a different outlook on things, but I was with her for over a year.

O well at least you guys ain’t going nowhere. :kommie:

That sucks… but at least your buddy isn’t too far away, like on the other side of the country.

And you always got us! :thumb:

O well at least you guys ain’t going nowhere…

wow, funny you should say that, cuz Kirupa just announced that he is going to close the Forums… i’ll look for the thread… BRB…



j/k :trout:

lol noooooooooooooo!

Hey, welcome to Hell, beer’s on the left and chairs on the right.

I. Hate. Moving.

Well - AOL IM makes it a bit easier to keep in touch :nerd:

thats too bad… but at least you are in New York and maybe it will spur you into meeting some new pals!

I hate it when people move.

I’ve already had 3 of my best friends move away.

1000 Posts!!!

Do something so ridiculous to persuade her to stay.
[ot]Congra Krillnon![/ot]