heres my latest company site version
anybody got some crits? thanks!
Very good job, great design. I don’t like the color scheme so much, but I guess that it’s just me.
It’s funny how Site check sites are better than SOTW sites recently :crazy:
First thing, you should change the size a little, or enable scrolling in your frames… Because alot of people still use 800x600.
When viewing your site on that resolution, the right side of the frame gets cut off…
Second… Personally i don’t like the color scheme too much either.
It seems rather bland…
Well, other than that I like it… Keep up the good work…
I’m with these guys on the colour scheme, I think there’s too much grey. Perhaps a lighter shade of the blue would work better?
But I like your little menu buttons and the triangle animation on them. And the overall layout is well thought out too.
the part of the site that throws it off for me is the content area.
That’s where I see a white page, or a much, much lighter grey
worked in. hex# EEEEEE maybe?
otherwise I think it’s good also. =)
i have heard on other forums that the bevels r too much. they say it looks like a fisherprice site and i have to agree. does anybody else think it looks too overdone w/ bevels? thanks for all the feedback
yeah… too much bevel is no good… why don’t u add some texture instead?.,.
wow thx for the comments, glad u liked it