New IE update messing with Flash content!

I really don’t know why m$ did this… well besides the lawsuit. It seems like a step backward for the web. Hopefully this isn’t permanent.

Dont you guys read the front page there is a tool to do this now


Yeah!! It worked! Thanks Crayon-Inc. I should have known to trust Kirupa more than any of those other “quick-fixes.”

Well a big THANK YOU to Kirupa for that easy to follow fix.
My stress levels have returned to a manageable level.

By the way, I just patented the pressing of a space-bar with a left thumb, if I find you doing this, I will SUE.


[SIZE=5]Instructions for Web Developers[/SIZE]
You can download instructions on how to embed your ActiveX controls in pages using Java Script techniques which automatically activate the controls.

thanks - at least were not doomed - but i think M$ should have spent more money fighting those Eolas bastard

They are probably doing this so that all the crappy computers that suck can still run flash-intensive sites without dying. They just assume the rest of us don’t mind pressing enter.

So, I have to fix all sites (about 40) that I have created in Flash, just because MS has again some stupid ideas? Who will cover all charges for that? MS? They really sucks!

Hello anybody that remembers me. :slight_smile:

I remember that something like this was supposed to happen like a year and a half ago so I made this script that makes the code which happens to be a workaround for this too. Lucky me.

I know that Kirupa has one too, but this one is pretty simple and seems to work on my sites that I have fixed with script access and ‘transparent windowless’ - Plus it writes out all the code which is great for me because I’m lazy lazy lazy.

I hope this helps:

Also, to share, I wrote this script to help write META tags:

Great, thanx!

Updated my original post to include most of the new workarounds, as well as fixes for QuickTime content. As soon as I find good ones for WMV’s, Real content, and Applets I’ll post them

[ot]That new title for this thread makes me sound like a teenager[/ot]

That’s a nice code generator, Freddythunder. But I can’t get it to work. I put the html-code, generated by your script, between the <body> </body> tags of my html-file as the only thing. But it doesn’t work. What am I doing wrong?

Also I can’t se the code generator with the ‘oversized Generate Code button’ in the Kirupa’s Fix of this problem!

You should just put this line into your HTML: <script src=“MyJSfile.js”></script>
And other code into .js file! You can use simple Notepad to do that.

Yeah I know. But where in the HTML-file? And is it the HTML-file that Flash generates when i publish?

It depends where you want your movie, just like images you put into table or layer (in body).

questions about Kirupa’s fix:

<script type=“text/javascript” src=“flashobject.js”></script>

<div id=“flashcontent” style=“width: 100px; height: 200px”></div>

<script type=“text/javascript”>
var fo = new FlashObject(“test.swf”, “animationName”, “100”, “200”, “8”, “#FFFFFF”);
fo.addParam(“allowScriptAccess”, “sameDomain”);
fo.addParam(“quality”, “high”);
fo.addParam(“scale”, “noscale”);
fo.addParam(“loop”, “false”);

What’s ‘animationName’ and what does the ‘8’ do?

That’s the version of flash its checking, if you don’t have flash 8 it’ll present the replacement stuff. YOu can change it to 7 or 6 too if you felt like it.

Where do you put the ‘replacement stuff’ then?
And what is ‘animationName’?