New job, should I stay...or go?

what do you do if you’re offered a senior developer position but you’re not sure you’re ready for it?

a. fumble along and try to pick it up as you go

b. realise your confidence is just low and go for it

c. accept the role and just bluff your way through

d. turn it down

cause at the moment I’m not sure where I am…

…oh by the way for those slow on the uptake this isn’t hypothetical, it’s the situation I’m in at the moment

something else that is in the back of my mind is that at the moment I have 2 jobs. One my full time developer role for a financial company. The other is running my own company. My own company is exciting for me but it’s not going to make the kinda cash to be able to fully support me for a year or two so if I did go to this job it would only be for a year or two.

the job I’m at the moment has flexi time, good training and is close to my house but thats it. Other than those 3 reasons I have no reason to stay. In the next few months I know I’m going to be asked to support some applications and I just don’t want to do that.

What do you think?