The dilema

I work for a financial company as an online developer, as some of you know, and my departments had some changes the last week or so. Let me say first that working here the last month or so has been a steady nightmare. HR and my bosses boss has been restructuring and we now have a new guy in (who seems cool) called the Head of Production. However now no-one knows where my old boss fits (even he doesn’t) so at the moment I have 2 bosses and I’m just waiting to get caught in the middle.

My old boss has a job, they created one for him, but they don’t have a role for him yet if that makes sense…the whole things ****ed to be honest :frowning:

I like this department and I’m curious to see what happens but I’m up to my neck in debt and theres a new job elsewhere in the company for a web consultant. NOw I wouldn’t be doing any coding or designing in this job I’d just be asked my opinion on web stuff…sounds interesting and it pays more.

So, should I go for the new job or stay where I am to see the conclusion???