New mockup | still early beta

any thoughts…

Well there isn’t much to critique on, but I think it could use a little more color or graphics to make things a bit more interesting.

I like the sliding navigation though, but speeding it up a bit wouldn’t hurt either. =)

thanks for the feedback… i have a faster version ow (not online)

took me quite some time to script the strings to load in the news text… noticed:p

ah, i like the simplicity of this layout. very straight forward and nicely composed. i do like the menu as well. nice job!

thanks sonmi… looks like we on the same wave.

i’ll try to have some of the content added by this evening.

ps your site seems to be down…

Simple and nice layout, I like the colors, maybe you could add kinda transition between black and grey colors in buttons. Well, it looks good, I’ll check it later.