have fun
Well the site has potential, but there are a few things I didn’t like.
The intro is cool and all, but there really should be a way to skip it.
As for the layout, I think it would be more interesting to use something else besides plain text for buttons. You don’t even have any rollOver effects on those text.
Also your body text is too close to the edge of your layout. You should allow more space between the edge and the body text.
Thanks for your opinion, but a couple of things I thought where interesting.
The links are text because I thought that would be more elegant than a button.
The intro skip is: linking out to one of the other pages. But I guess they (the buttons) are not obvious enough.
I saw your site.
Your a bamf, but I’m not you, or 2advanced, or wireframe. I’m hitting a different market, and the beautiful, technological and electronic art you have on your site doesn’t happen to my customers, so I was going after the dept3 and Valentine Advertising crowd.
But thanks man, the link information and making the skip are things I must consider.
I’m not telling you to be like me, I’m just pointing out what I noticed with your site that could be improved.
As for the text link, you can just add a color change rollOver.
Just another thing… Those animations up the top [ie. the lens flare] got a little annoying when i was trying to read… Maybe if they just animated once and then stopped?
Just my 2c
Intro reminds me of widegroup… =)
pretty good. =)
nice =) You should up the fps, though. The transitions are a little slow.
The ball that rolls in the very beginning is not realistic. The reflection does not roll; it just shifts.