New photos!

Hello everyone, it’s been a while since i’ve posted some new photos up! I’ve been super busy with school ending and such. here’s some i took Saturday, from Snoqualmie falls and Mukilteo beach, along with a couple others i took while in mexico. tell me what you think!
Mukilteo long exposures at dusk:**

[SIZE=“1”]This one is one of my favorites of the batch. The lights from the city in the distance gave the low clouds a nice red tint. The long exposure brought out the blue in the sky from the already set sun. It was a very peaceful night, the wind made a few ripples on the water that gave it the fogged glass look after a 30 second exposure.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=“1”]I loved how the lights in the ferry looked after a long exposure :)[/SIZE]

Snoqualmie Falls:

[SIZE=“1”]This was one of the only shots i got of the falls, when i got closer the mist covered my lens and made all the pictures look hazy. Luckily it turned out![/SIZE]

[SIZE=“1”]A couple of my friends that came with me to take pictures of the waterfall too[/SIZE]

[SIZE=“1”]Long exposure to show the movement of the water :)[/SIZE]

Diving in Mexico:

[SIZE=“1”]I took this with my mom’s cheepo $100 point and shoot, it was realllly frustrating trying to get the picture i wanted, buuut it turned out okay i think![/SIZE]
Click HERE for more of my pictures (via flickr)**

Thanks for looking guys!

I love all of them expect for the ferry one, it seems to be overexposed(its probably the lights) it would have looked really good in hdr(if done correctly).

I love these all

nice, ferry xp

How light was it outside when you took the first two?

The photos are all really neat!

thanks guys!

@ajcates- i wanted to do a little bit of HDR! but my tripod was being super lame and pretty much wouldnt let me get two shots at the same angle lol. I wanted to get the sky exposed tho so i overexposed it by 1.7 stops if i remember right. thats probably what you’re seeing :slight_smile:

@Krilnon- thanks! it was actually getting pretty dark by the time i took those i think. The main light for the first photo was actually a sodium light to the right of the camera. I set the white balance for fluorescent light to give it the nice red orange tone.

I like yer pixels

Those are beautiful, well done :slight_smile:

Very nice it really shows off the beauty of the lights in the first two.

Yea that sucks your tripod was acting funny. like half the picture looks great, but the lights are like to bright for me.

I like them all, but I really like the picture of the fish…good job

Your pics looked so nice that I decided to go see Snoqualmie Falls with my wife this weekend. Very fun, thanks for the idea. :thumb:

Makes me want to go back :frowning:

they look great

thanks everyone! glad you made the trip anogar! i bet it was great with the sun and all :smiley:

Your photos are always wonderful to look at- thanks for the new batch.

Saw them on Flickr already :stuck_out_tongue:

Pretty good, the last one of the fish is really cool.

One thing I will say which is more of a rant is that I really HATE HDR. You haven’t used it completely over the top which is good, but 90% of the time people just ruin perfectly good photos with HDR. It just makes photos look so unrealistic which is pretty ironic.

Yea I hate it when people over do there HDR, but the one with the ferry in it could have had the lights turned down just a tad bit, and you can only do that with HDR.