New from Sony, check out how thin it is. out in the U.S Nov. 1
“Equipped with an integrated Ethernet port for network gaming.”
Ha ha that looks pretty cool. I’m not a PS2 fan but… why did they release this? Is it like a PS2.5? Also, what’s it gonna cost?
:stunned: coughhurryupandbringoutPS3cough But…eh…yeah that is pretty cool for anyone who doesn’t have one already (there aren’t many mind you) or rich kids. Man that thing is small!:drool: It’s a pity I can’t afford one. My PS2 is up the left.
looks cool but I barely play mine now. xbox rules my life ATM.
it’s like the PSone and the PS1, from what I’ve gathered… basically a smaller slightly enhanced version
what they need with that thing is an LCD screen just like the mini PSone!
Sony released it in hopes of rejuvenating the market for the console.
It’s gonna cost the same as the original PS2 and it has a built-in ethernet port (edit: didn’t notice it was already mentioned, oops).
In one word: Sweet.
There’s one downside, though. By making the console smaller, the PS2(2) now has an external power brick as opposed to the original one which didn’t.
Sony just continues to rush out half-assed products… j/k :crazy:
I was hoping it’d be white
Nothing a little spray paint can’t do
But seeing as Sony’s released multicolored PS2’s before:
They’ll probably follow suit with the nextgen PS2’s.
Xbox all the way !
so its thinner !! i cant see that as a selling point to me … although the ethernet port pretty cool.
but this
Sony just continues to rush out half-assed products… j/k
says it all to me !!!
Apparently it won’t have support for a hard drive, so no FFXI.
That yellow box is really ugly. I don’t see how making it smaller will make me want to buy it. I could just wait a few months and get a PSP if I wanted a small PS2.
XBOX ALL THE WAY - they are just relasing this because they know that once Halo 2 is released Xbox sales will dominate!!!
If microsoft can make one good thing then its the XBOX!!
very true
warioware inc - who needs ps2?
Let´s face it, xbox is the best system at the moment, and I have both ps2 and xbox, and Im planning in selling my ps2, its dead for me.
That’s bull. The PS2 is in too many homes now - Sony has won this round of the console wars already.