New Site for Critique

This is work in progress and thought it may be a good idea to get some instant feedback to aid the completion. I still have lots of content and categories to add, as well as links.

You can use the up, down, left and right keyboard arrows to navigate as well as mouse interaction.

Cheers :wink:

Good job! :slight_smile: I like the design - very creative and unique. And although you didnā€™t go too far out of the box: GREAT work on the typography.

Just a couple usability suggestions:

  1. Iā€™d love it if I could click on any row in the gallery and jump to that row, instead of having to go one at a time.
  2. Iā€™m a bit uneasy with being forced to click on the close link to close a window. As far as usability goes, itā€™s a good idea to have a close button, but Iā€™d like to be able to click anywhere on the screen to close an item.

Anyhow, great work!

ā– ā– ā– ā– ā€¦ that was the same thing I was eventually going for with my siteā€¦ minus pink arrows

I love it, but why do you repeat sections?

in the future consider using a sans-serif bitmap font for smaller sizes

Cool, but I would like the option of using my mouse scroller instead of the arrows!


excellent. creative, inventive, fresh, pretty, and fairly user-friendly. Iā€™d agree with the above comments though - easier access to the lower rows (I didnā€™t figure out the arrows immediatelyā€¦ but maybe thatā€™s just me being daft :smiley: still it would be good to be able to skip rows at will)

also maybe smaller image sizes - most of the images I clicked on take a while to load, though theyā€™re not all that bigā€¦ optimize a little?

Thanks all. I meant to add that you can also use the up, down, left and right arrows on your keyboard to navigate, then mouse pointer to choose. I will some how work this into the landing page, just so the user is aware of this option.

Your comments are well recieved and I shall address some of the issues, however useability is something I often want to challenge. But I guess thatā€™s my problem :slight_smile:

Wes_Design: I have repeated the text in the xml file to get a feel for ā€œmore contentā€ - I have more categories and content to add.

SlicDiggy: I may have to disagree with you on your closing a window usability comment. Userā€™s donā€™t click anywhere within the Firefox browser to close it. They press the close button. This applies to most OS Apps and RIAā€™s.

Ok, have now added ā€œClick anywhereā€ functionality to close when viewing a particular piece of work and also changed the buttons that control the category movements.

Remember you can use the keyboard arrows to navigate through work.