New Site

Hey…I’m new here to Kirupa and thought I’d get some feedback on my site. Anyone here willing to give me some constructive criticism? Thanks. The site is and my name is Demetrius…it’s nice to meet everyone here.

I like it =)
It’s got a very uncommon lay out which I totally dig.

I also love the guy running at the top.
Nice job:A+:

Thanks man. Yea, I was aiming for something original in the layout. I’m glad you like it.

o yea I sew it somewhere this morning actually, its very nice peace of work, I really enjoyed the graphics and the functinality of this site, you did a great job. I like ur site very much!

some very nice 3d imaging too :slight_smile:


its a bit big vertically, im running 1024x768 and there is a small scrollbar but its really not needed.
i would just knock some pixels off the bottom to get rid of that bar.

other than that its freakin awesome, love the graphics!

Thanks for all the kind words! Yea it is a few pixels larger than normal. I didn’t realize because my IE browser at the top, when fully maximized, is thinner than normal the way I have it set up. Thanks for letting me know that though and thank you guys for all the kind words so far! I worked pretty hard on this site.

ah ok, good luck Guard_Zero!

very nice. the layout is very original, your 3d and digital art is excellent. and very helpfull tutorials.

wow, i agree the 3d work is verry nice as well as the guy running at the top and everything! goodjob!

Thanks guys! I really wanted the tutorials on my site to be useful. I plan to put up some 3D Studio Max tutorials and also some Adobe After FX ones within the coming weeks. I also have a short film I’ve been working on called Blade of the Shinobi coming out. Hope you guys will enjoy it. Btw…I just checked out most of everyone’s website who has responded in this thread. All of you guys have great work! I’m amazed at the talent I’ve seen so far.

thats awsome site!!
and love your 3d work!! cant wait to see ur short and ur tutorials :thumb:

I Appreciate that. On the home section are actual frames from the animation if you noticed.

yea i saw them :slight_smile:
looks like some game cinematic!

For some reason everyone keeps telling me…at least the ppl I’ve let preview it. I can guarantee though that it will be pretty amazing. The motion of the characters will look really good, and it was all done by hand not using and pre-existing motion capture. That’s why it’s taking me so long to get it finished. Me and a close friend that I graduated college with are working on it together. So hopefully it will be finished soon so I can put it online.

Tell me when it’s up :player:


please read Guard Zero:
Sorry, I had a post about pixel fonts… i don’t know what happened… I saw a difforent site in its place, it was kinda late… i might of clicked ona difforent link but I just clicked it again tonight and BOOM its difforent… and like AWSOME! So sorry about my other post… you must of thought i was a mental-case. =)

I love you site!

whao! that 3d work is… WOW

Sure thing man. If you want to preview it let me know and I will set up a private link for you.

That last post from me was for Kei. LOL @ Mike…I was kinda wondering what you were talking about. But it’s cool man. No big deal. Thanks for the kind words about the site though. Yea my main focus is 3D right now, so web design is sorta just a hobby for me right now.

can i have a look at the preview? :slight_smile: