New site

Hi there, i just made a new site can you give some tips or feedback?

This thread is going to get moved to the Showcase & Critique forum. You’ll get more design feedback there.

From my quick glance it looks pretty nice. Altough it might just be me but I don’t think Hard and Software works. Maybe it should be Hardware & Software…

Wow , i like it very much …
it is clean, and i like the navigation .

thread moved, cool site.

very cool site,like the effects on the menus very clean
good job

I like it, but I still cant figure out why the nav menu would be in one language and the content in another?


nice site. but did u use pixel fonts?

best wel netjes man! alleen irriteert het me dat het menu steeds op een andere plek zit (ik bekijk de site als een klant).

en een heeeeel klein minpuntje is dat de verzenden knop op de contact pagina zon rare kleur blauw is.

maar mooie site dat zeker!

No he didn’t.

As for the site… it’s an all around safe, clean site.

I guess my only real pieve is that this site could’ve been done in HTML just as easy in Flash… sorta eliminating the need for flash. Also, I see the reason that you have the nav moving on section change… but I think a lot of ppl like myself don’t like moving navs cause they are annoying to track.

Anywho… decent stuff man… gj

thnx for you’re comments lads!


yup its nice. But i would change the nav bar. If u must make it move then i’d make it move from its current location to the new one. I wouldnt make it keep dropping in from the top, just move it from where it is straight to the new position without it dropping down from the top. Hope that makes sense?


ya that makes sence thats a pretty good idea. i think that would look real good. But anyways its still a great site good job man! :thumb: