New Site

I just finished this sitye about 6 hours ago. Its for my CS Clan.

Tell me what u think…

The only thing that I didn´t liked was the rotating “A”.


Thanks…ya they wanted a lil image ot spice it up. So I did that.

Hmm, your layout looks really familiar, did you take a free html template and turned it into a flash layout? I swear I’ve seen it somewhere, I just can’t remember where.

ya, I found some layout I liked kinda fooled with it, then I got it a size I like. Added some more eye candy, and ported over to flash. There are 11 different random imags that load in the upper left corner in the reb orb…and there are 3 different main backgrounds all random loading. Most of the text is loaded in flash via var and html. I am finishing coding the Audio player to load the id3’s of the mp3’s and hopefully get the time code fixed. I am kinda new in Photoshop layouts, I have only been doing graphics like my sig. Is there any good tuts on creating layouts for sites? Also electron I really like your photoshop graphics, there very vibrant and awesome to look at.

Love the site dude, Im actually doin a site for my bros CS clan as well :slight_smile:

Nice work. I would maybe put a preloader on the music so you know it is loading. I thought maybe the music didn’t work yet. Nice job

Ya I am getting my friend Matt from B7ven to help me on that…for some odd reason its being ghetto…well its flash so picky. Anyway, thxs for you comments…

I like the site, but i have one suggestion

When I first took a look at it, I saw Preloading (or something like that). It was preloading the intro. That took some time on my 56K modem. Then the intro started and then it stopped.

This all seems normal, doesn’t it?

But that preloader is awful short. It took a long time to load it, and it is over in 5 seconds?!
I think you should just make the intro a bit longer, the song seemed nice, but I won’t listen to it without animation (the animation stops after 5 sec.)

It’s just my opinion…

Ya the intro was for some quick eye candy…what I am planning on doing is actually adding the intro in a scene b4 the mian movie so everything is loaded at once.