[QUOTE=Jasninder;2354269]someone teach me how to use div’s
You’re welcome
[QUOTE=Jasninder;2354269]someone teach me how to use div’s
You’re welcome
:lol: thanks
[quote=ajcates;2345930]Dude get rid of the bevels and the gradients, also fix the anti aliasing on the header text. Also the background images have horrible artifacts.
I agree.
There are 3 parts to a website:
By using tables for layout, you are screwing with the sacred zen balance. Tables are meant for tabular data. Also search engines love properly coded standard sites, as it is a breeze for them to index.
So you have a corp job? well i sure hope it’s not within the design industry. First off, every corporate web dev job will require the use of div’s. So maybe you can get away with arguing with people on an internet forum about the use of div’s, but any real job is going to put you in your place. So judging by that we can establish that you have never had a professional web development contract.
Your portfolio and website is extremely amateur and pretty thoughtless, lower class art school students look like award wining art directors compared to you .
Maybe someone needs to stop pretending they know what the hell their talking about and actually try to take some advice from the people within this forum. These people are trying to help you out **** head. Sorry to come off as a ****, everyone.
You know I fought the conversion to CSS as well. But I am a member of the old school. If you are just getting started you have no excuse. I now follow the sacred zen of separating presentation from data. I am not going to even try to change your mind or convince you otherwise. But I will say, your statements make you look very n00b, un-informed and just all around dated. And in a long run you are doing yourself no justice by taking this stance. I know one thing, I would not hire you.
Speaking of dated, the design looks very dated. And actually things aren’t lined up right. May want to look at your tables.
Also just to add that layout can be coded in like half the code. Speaking of your code sometimes you use <br> sometimes </br> and bot are wrong. See my pic for the align error I referred to.
Again don’t feel bad, I fought against css years back and chose tables to the very end. But at the end of the day. CSS/XHTML just makes more sense, is more accessible, more cross browser compliant, more SEO friendly, more user friendly, more developer friendly, more feature friendly (AJAX)…I cannot think of one advantage tables has over css for the presentation layer.
^ Yes. I agree completely.
I don’t think anybody would get any personal pleasure out of you using tables, they’re just trying to help.
[QUOTE=ajcates;2354502]There are 3 parts to a website:
By using tables for layout, you are screwing with the sacred zen balance. Tables are meant for tabular data. Also search engines love properly coded standard sites, as it is a breeze for them to index.[/QUOTE]
Javascript shouldn’t be considered a staple.
Markup (xhtml+css) should be seen as transparent with design.
In the end all you should be doing is taking a functional and aesthetically pleasing design, translating it to markup, and then considering working with JS if you really need it.
A lot of the content is smashed together like a big blur on the page. I don’t know where to start reading. Either the text is too big and jumbled or you need more leading/padding/margins. You should read up a bit about typography, couldn’t hurt.
Some of the ‘themes’ are really tough on the eyes, especially the orange/blue one. The black one, like others said, doesn’t even line up properly and needs some aliasing fixing up (? lol).
On the tables/div issue, if I’m not mistaken, every time the page changes, all tables have to be redrawn, thus using more bandwidth(?) and taking longer for your site to render. [SIZE=“1”](Can’t remember where I read that…)[/SIZE]
Just my :2c: though!
[quote=darkmotion;2355268]Javascript shouldn’t be considered a staple.
Markup (xhtml+css) should be seen as transparent with design.
In the end all you should be doing is taking a functional and aesthetically pleasing design, translating it to markup, and then considering working with JS if you really need it.[/quote]
The XHTML is the only thing that should work, the css just adds to the look of the page. The javascript adds to the functionally. Because in theory you don’t really need CSS, only the XHTML.
And currently javascript is well supported, so it is not if you really need it, it is more of if you want it. I am not saying go try and solve the worlds problems with it.
[QUOTE=ajcates;2355378]The XHTML is the only thing that should work, the css just adds to the look of the page. The javascript adds to the functionally. Because in theory you don’t really need CSS, only the XHTML.
If you are designing something visual, the xhtml + css should work together as a single unit. You wouldn’t even enclose markup in tags if you didn’t need to define styles- which is already used to derive the default browser styles.
Your site is easy to navigate, fast, and nicely organized.
Your gallery is very nice, loads quickly.
I agree that the underlined links should go and that the banner graphics need help. I also have some trouble reading your name there. You shoud make it clear that clicking on the header will change the design. I didn’t realize that right away. I really like the blue neon design.
alcinoe thank you, geez i know the site isn’t super fantastic but i personally liked the ascii based design, turns out a lot of people on here don’t, most were rational in there critiques though, except for lovelust = ***
anyway, i know css, that should be obvious, but, at least i did get some good advice about maybe the font sizing is to big, and i’ll have to figure out whats up with the side bars not lining up, they do in my home pc browser, but on my pc at work they don’t…
anyways i think im going to work on a 4th style, cause it seems that most designers arn’t digging this one, i’ll still keep it as one of the style (and fix the anti-alias header, and the side boarders, and try some small body text) but i got another idea one that sells the idea of my illustration still, anyways if you want to see what the site is like with out the css check this.
thanx to those who, provided real advice and not personal insults, really im a flash game maker not a regular web guy, and am self taught on everything i do as far as prog goes, so i still can learn a lot, but so can everyone and if you don’t think so you are lost.
Geez, I’m just starting out too, and my site looks better than yours. But I’m glad you’re taking the criticism positively
■■■■, somthing tells me that motionman95 has been in web devolpment for less time then grandmaster and yet motionman95’s website is a million times better {most likly because he takes advice}. I know it’s not finished yet but, nice work motionman95.
and for the douche that started this thread, don’t send me personal messages about nothing you cry baby. Maybe people wouldn’t knock on you if you had a diferent attitude. And for your site. You have two options, option 1 erase that garbage and start from scratch using modern web techniques. option 2 build a time machine and travel back to 1998, then people won’t poke fun at your disgusting site.
Eat **** new jack
Being standard (use CSS, div but not table) isn’t just the matter of attitude and presentation, but the accessibility for wider range of audiance and maintenance, and a higher ranking in search results. It is also the way to prove that you are really a web designer.
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