Hey guys, I took a serious look at my site, and decided to throw it away, and start over. heres what iv done so far
note: i am not done with the background, and i havent decided what to use as the background (egh all the negative space!) so any background suggestions would be great.
oh and where can i get good background music?
edit again, fixed link
What about changing the font color?
Yellow is kinda hard to read.

agh, sorry bout that, it linked you to my OLD page, cuz it must have been in your cache, so i just renamed the page, inorder to prevent this anymore
New link
Yes, much better now… although i would rethink dat infinite menu… its kinda annoying when the content keeps moving all the time.
But thats just my opinion

well, good attempt, but this site needs alot of work.
Consider finding a more aesthetically pleasing font. It is extremely overused and in my opinion, very ugly. Also, it looks like you may have some dynamic sections since half the font is a sans font and then half is the other. You can embed fonts in dynamic text so it’s all the same. Do a forum search.
The colors are boring and generic.
The news box is right in the way of much of your content and let to confusion as to how you navigation works. And, while most people know I’m a fan of the quirky, your navigation borders on annoying since it is constantly scrolling and you must find the exact mouse position for it to stop.
Consider touching up or making your own scrollbars, the generic ones look sterile and do not suit your site’s color scheme.
The scroller thing on the top right is a huge annoyance, with no way to stop or hide it. Don’t just animate for the sake of animating, do so when it adds poignance and piques the interest of the user. Excessive animation stresses the eye and overloads the user. The same thing goes for the animation on the bottom of the site.
your splash page needs redone, and it says Untitled Document. as for the site, the font needs changed. it needs work, but its a decent start.