New Software...?

didnt we have a wishlist of features for FMX2? lol

I pointed out in that thread that MM has Director to handle any 3d-worlds or such, flash wasn’t designed for that :slight_smile:

adobe is also dipping into 3D (Flash too! swf support!)

Yeah, there was a wishlist of features around a while back. :slight_smile:

I think I’m going to have to ask Churchill to upgrade for me. :beam:

*Originally posted by senocular *
**adobe is also dipping into 3D (Flash too! swf support!) **

oooh, now that caught my attention, thanks for the link Sen. =)

If ever a newer version of Flash comes out, i only hope that there will no more new players. That’s the real problem with Flash’s new versions they come with new versions of the player that users have o download again. :frowning: