New Stance Media

Work on this site continues. Any comments or suggestions?

Things that I know are not working:
-The wallpapers in the about section
-The fishtank looks goofy
-The audio player is still in the works.
-Services, works, and links don’t work yet.

Let me know what you guys think.

Pretty cool, a few pointers:

-The graininess of the interface is a bit too much, it would look much smoother if it were … smoother.
-Toooo many different fonts, keep maximum 3 on 1 page.
-That blue (and font) you use for the main menu-buttons is not the right color, try a more subtle color.
-When I open the audio-panel, I can close it when I click on your climate-control-thingy, but that’s just a minor thing I guess …

Keep it up!

I guess I don’t understand what you mean by graininess?

I didn’t realize the problem with the audio door, thanks.

The sort of texture that the metal has, it’s a bit too rough in my opinion

ok, i see what you mean. It used to be a lot rougher. I think it’s ok like it is. If you smooth it out anymore it doesn’t look like metal.

You can get a metal appearance from Photoshop’s motion blur, i think if you mess around with that a bit you can get rid of the graininess a bit.

I like the setup.

There are a few things that I can point out.

When viewing the site i noticed the horizontal bar is isn’t lined up when it connects to your flash file. *I checked it out in IE and it works there, but not in Mozilla.

The scroll bar should scroll while i hold down on the arrows, this is just preference though.

Transitions are cool.

I think that the menu system should be a part of the interface.

The two cables on the top and bottom of the interface look a little out of place because of the bevel.

“Links B!tch” hehe

Good job so far man, looking forward to the updates to come :slight_smile:

Good Luck,