please check my site:
thank you in advance.
wow i really like this site… one thing tho, may i suggest changing the pixel font on the navigation, it is hard to read
wow… its really cool… the colour scheme is nice, and the interface is pretty sleek… =)
i just dont get the ‘to view photos, click the bar’ thingie… nothing seems to happen:crazy:
Very clean work, I’m not impressed easily, but this site has definitely caught my attention.
The color scheme is great and the graphics are clean. The only thing that was a down side was the sound effects between each section got to me after awhile. I think maybe using a more subtle sound would make it better.
Good job so far, keep it up. =)
Nice site
Like the lay-out.
The sound is ok.
but I maybe you should set the frame rate up.
thank you so far for the imput.
wow, this site is really nice. =)
i changed some of the sounds, i think they work better.
the click on the bars thingy is for photos of the recording studio that will load into the box above.
I only have 2 things to say:
1 - WOW!!! :crazy:
2 - u should increase the framerate a bit to smooth it out.
(sorry, I’m a stickler for this)
That is one sweet-looking site
But as Unflux said, you should increase the frame rate a lot, and the navigation is not very original, that’s too bad
I had the frame rate set at 24fps. I increased it to 48. it seems smoother.
Thank you,
“Violet” that’s one nice looking site you got there, I like the design and colour scheme. The site is slick, however there is a few things you need to fix. I don’t know if you’ve check your site in higher resolutions, I run 1600x1200 and the bottom portion of your site with all the lines (2003 The Tone Lab), drops down and the rest of the site stays up creating a big white gap in between the 2 sections. Also the graphics “side6.jpg” and “side5.jpg” should only be 1 pixel in height and asigned as BG images to those cells that way they will always be 100% in any resolution, right now they are 800px in height and then it’s just white space after that. Your main table is set to a 100% but because you have a [/p] in your souce code it is not allowing the table to reach all the way to the bottom leaving a gap.
Get rid of the [/p] and it’ll allow the table to come all the way down. Other then that you’re doing a great job, keep it up.
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