New to Flash

My friend gave me his Macromedia Flash MX program to use, he said that it’s really fun and easy. But I’m not finding it to easy, maybe it’s just me, no clue.

So I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction of a site or something that would explain how to create animations and explain what is what, I read a few other tutorials, but they mainly are directed to people that have experience in it.

Only real thing I found was Flashkit, but it’s hard to understand for some reason, I don’t what is what in the program really, I’ve been messing with it for a few days and I get getting anywhere.

Any help would be much appreciated. :smirk:

Flash MX
Can do many things.
(2) Make a site
(3) Make games

this site can help
www.outsideofsociety.idz.ney When its all done
and other sites.

Welcome to Kirupa!

here are some sites that i have used to get my flash site going.

hope this helps. if you have any questions just ask.

Check the tutorials on
There is a new animation tutorial and there is a tutorial list.

Oh yea :slight_smile: I didn’t get some negitive comment :+) Posted a few other places and people are just, well, childish.

Lol, I didn’t even check this site yet…Didn’t notice there was more to it, just thought it was strickly message board…huh.

Thanks all! I’ll let ya know how it goes :smirk:

*Originally posted by Chibi *
**Oh yea :slight_smile: I didn’t get some negitive comment :+) Posted a few other places and people are just, well, childish.

Lol, I didn’t even check this site yet…Didn’t notice there was more to it, just thought it was strickly message board…huh.

Thanks all! I’ll let ya know how it goes :smirk: **

We understand exactly what you’re going through because all of us have been in that situation when we first started so don’t hesitate to ask questions if you get stuck on something. We’re here to help. Welcome to Kirupa, I hope you’ll stick around. =)

Aww, you guys are so nice :slight_smile: I’ll be around hehe, Flash is now my new thing. I’ll post my first Flashy thing when I’m done laughs It’ll be like, low rate, but hey, gotta start with something.


That’s so true.


I only got my first computer around half a year ago and have been learning Flash, Photoshop, Dreamweaver and scripting languages like JavaScript and ActionScript for only three thirds of that time. I seem to pick up things fast and have been studying hard for other stuff for a long time. As the memory works by association try and relate what you learn to what you already know and it gets easier and easier. I’ve been studying psychlogy for what seems like ages now and understanding how the memory works in this area has helped me tremendously.

When I first posted here I didn’t know a thing. Go through the tutorials here from basic to advanced and when you come accross a problem post a question. That’s what I did.

Good luck and welcome.


kriupa is a great place to learn flash. 2 weeks ago i had no idea how to work this program. but now i am working on my own flash site. when ever i run into a problem with flash alot of people here are always answering my questions:)

Well, I went with the easiest looking fun thing, Text animation. Tho I changed alot of it, but it works, so thats a start! :slight_smile: Mines a lil corney and not to pretty.

Thanks all for being so nice and supportive.

I’d post my lil thing as an attachment, but it doesn’t wanna, so I’ll just upload it to my site instead. Chibi to You

The tree could be so much better, but all I got to work with is a mouse…Mouse’s(Mice…) don’t work that way to well :-\


Thats nice.
Im so sad:Tears::
Well how long that take you its good for a beginer.

My first thing when started flashing
was actually animation im not the best at animation.
But it was a stick man shooting a basketball into a net.
I had a little music with.
I wish i had that today but my comp messed up and i had to reboot.

Hehe, thanks! Took me like 30-45 mins cause I was reading the tutorial at the same time, just going along with it. I messed up the first time, but I knew what I did wrong, and will never do it again cause it made it really funky and ugly… :-\

As for animation, thats all I can do…make lil text phrases scroll, I wouldn’t know the first thing to make a person (or stick hehe) move. I’ll get around to it, I learn fast. :slight_smile: