New Updates on my site!

If you havn’t checked my site for a while there is a bunch of new stuff…but I posted one tonight that I want to get.

Design of my own board:

Excellent, as always… I just love the colors :A+:

By the way, what software did you use?

Really awesome alex. I really liked this image right here: As ilyas mentioned, the colors are appealing =)

I agree… again. The colors rock.

Thanks guys.

I used Illustrator and Photoshop. Illustrator is a great tool, don’t know what I woudl do without it.

Maybe soon I will built my new ALEXKURTH.COM.

All the images you see really were not ment to be there.
I initially had the photo of myself with the surgical mask and had a coming soon page…but I could not stop adding pieces of work…I did most of them within week…hopefully I will find time to build my new site (in flash of course) with a whole new style…I hope people will like it.