New updates

I am rebranding my site…so I updated the first two pages to go with my new look for 2003.

i really like that
did u make that brown paper look on your own or is an edited image?

A little bit of both.

I like where it’s going man, that bag look isnt used very much at all and you really are doing a great job with it.

I like your style - very ninimalistic with lot’s of negative space. I cannot wait to see it when it’s done!

Alex, you know that designer logo thing you made - Designers Unite - how did you make it? Photoshop? And what did you do to come out with that kind of image? Sorry for all the questions, but i’m trying to learn PS and figure out how to make that kind of lovely artwork… :slight_smile:

I am glad you are leaning PS, but I am sorry to inform you, that most logo work or any type of work of such nature I do in Illustrator. But perhaps you are referring the final touches, which make it look old and weathered…that I did accomplish in PS, using a combination of many brushes.

I use a system, which I call the layer system. It works on the premis as traditional oil painting does. It all starts with a foundation of using one brush, and then I add another brush on top of that, to touch of the image and then another, until I receive the effect I was looking for. If you do that a few times you will start deveolping your style and see what works and what doesn’t. Good luck.

Cool… I have and use Illustrator as well. :slight_smile:

I know it’s just a matter of practice. But You don’t see many tutorials on how to do that kind of thing, and that’s what I want to achieve. Not all the fancy text effects you get tutes on. :smirk:

dude, you from miami? what part?

lavaboy: No…I am from the freezing north.

Kitiara: Illustrator is a great tool, completely underated, especially in teh Web design community, as it is traditionally more of a print design tool. Therefore you will have to turn to books. Or do what I did, just play around till you figure it out. But there are more books coming out on the subject…and I will eventually purchase some, simply because Illustrator has greater capability than what I use it for…gotta tap that unused rescource to the max. Matter of fact I try to take everythin to the Max , its only a matter of time till you get there…Photoshop for example, I still have not Maxed out…not sure if I am capable of such a daunting task.