New Years Eve: What you doin?

Interesting… Mind Boggling Mushroom Eatting… Hmm…

Anyways… I definetly will be getting laid… Just not sure how many times and how many women… :whistle:

I’m hoping two at the same time. It’ll be either that, or nothing for Max.

i’m going to be working in the kitchen at work for 6 hours while 400 people are having fun. :frowning:

Then, im going to try and go as slow as i can home because the cops are out full force already tonight. I saw about 10 of them out drivin and in different places waiting.

One of the cops i saw came up to my friend which was following me and ran his plates. Good thing he didnt see me because i had a firend in the car. Now im home and safe.:stuck_out_tongue:

Poor Alex, you should throw your own party at the kitchen then. Break open a few beers, and take over the **** place have have a **** good party of your own.


the thing is, since its new years eve, everyone HAS to come into work, or they will be fired. Word around there says that no one is showing up. thats alot of dishes and pots for one person:(

Feel for you brotha.


if i am the only one there, that would be great in a way. I get paid time and a half. :P:P

12 hours wouldnt be all that bad considering the amount of money i will have:P

Well … I was going to a party down the Jersey shore, but … I’ve decided not to go to that. So I’m gonna maybe hang out with some of my brother’s friends … listen to rock music all night and stuff.

It kinda sucks since I’m really not supposed to drink with my migraines and all. You don’t want to be standing around with a Pepsi when everyone’s got Yuengling and stuff, ya know?

well i was gona go to a party hosted by one of the best dj’s in delhi…he happens to be a fast friend of mine but last nite i found out tht my gf had a small accident on the knee she was operated on a week back and she nearly passed out…so everything is cancelled :frowning:

but i hope you guys have fun :thumb:

cheers :beer:

alex: scrub those dishes with tenacity.

yea and im on pots tonight. Yeaaa this isnto going to be any fun at all.:frowning:

I’ve bailed on the shows with my friend… She may be upset, but I don’t think so… Instead, I’ve got a couple buddies coming over, we’ll crank up the Margarita Machine, play a few (oldschool) video games, I have a couple DVD’s to watch, I’ll cook up some bar food from my Hawaii days…

Should be fun, and not too hectic. We all live within a couple blocks from each other, so no worries getting home (especially for me, since it is at my place)…


Dude I just heard the funniest…errr… lamest joke here at the office…LOL

Here goes…

Me: Whats your new years resolution?

Coworker: 300 DPI

Me: HA HA…!

Yeah alex during college I bartended and one of my employers did that "come in or be fired crap and I came in new years eve and by 9:00 I was like screw you and I quit…LOL Luckily that wasnt my only gig and I bartended at another club so it was cool. HA HA. memories…

i hate NYs. i had the best party of my life NY 2000 and i spent the next two years trying to top it but they all suck compared to that one so it’s a dead holiday for me. add that to the fact that i have no mushrooms, no beer, and no fireworks and it’s one lameoid night. oh yeah, and my bf is like 3000 miles away, and my friends are too.
i am going to play video games tonight and drink vodka. i’d rather spend my NY with my best friends on kirupa and my make believe friends in baldur’s gate. and my cat.

*Originally posted by redGolgi *
**i’d rather spend my NY with my best friends on kirupa **

Dam straight girl! I’ll (probably) be right here with ya! :thumb:

im flying to jersey to visit rG.

Hakuna matata!

I’m here along with Kirupaville tonight too…

Smoking weed an drinking bear, pumping Tupac :slight_smile:

yay! hugs to my kirupans :wink:
to bring in the cheer, i subjected my kitty to a special picture just for you guys!

HAHAHA … only thing funnier than cats, are cats forced into wearing clothes or goofy hats :slight_smile: