Newbie battle

[font=Tahoma][color=black]does anyone want to battle me? im a beginner in this, but am keen to learn new ideas.[/color][/font]

What topic, starting image, etc?

come on nice one you gotta have some starting rules and such. things like theme,size,time limit, and possibly style are very important. but hey ill be watching im in a battle at the moment or i would say im game. be sure to check salvador marley, exorxist, and my battle it should be really interesting.

ok, this is the base image. just be as creative as possible. size is 800*600.

Ok, I did this in ten minutes. Sucks but whatever.

thats really good!! seriously, cant believe tht only took you ten mins! well heres mine, dont ask me what the kid is doing… just thought it looked cute. first time im doing a battle, so dont be too harsh on me:)

Haha that’s cool. I like it. Nice work :slight_smile:

keenly awaiting your response :slight_smile: or anyone else?

try to blend the kid a little bit with the background (more 3D)

work a bit with the color depth (level’s, curvs…)
it can be a very nice pic