anyone wanna do a battle with me? lol never done one so dont beat me up too bad ¬_¬’
anyone wanna do a battle with me? lol never done one so dont beat me up too bad ¬_¬’
ill battle you if u want. lay down some rules.
I dont know all the slang you guys use yet so…hmmm…I’ll let you decide lol
erm ok. well this is the base image ive chosen.
size is 800*600
theme can be anything, just be imaginative.
you work on this image then give me your psd, then i work on that and give you my psd etc. 3 rounds each. hows that sound?
Nice starting image.
This will be interesting.
muahahaha ok…
This is phantomxc’s entry. I am working on my one, should be done tonight (uk time)
eek…this is a noob battle what?
that was really simple to do. i could tell you how i did it. the only problem i have is i dont have much of an imagination.
well heres my second one
have you got the psd for that??
man, noobs are worse than i expected these days… Back when i was a noob… {boorish muttering} … anyways, back then, you could buy a soda for a nickel!
well im sorry i wasnt born as intelligent as you were, but we all got to start somewhere. if you want to share some of your knowledge about how i can improve then im all ears.
I think he was being sarcastic in a weird way.
If he wasn’t, then ignore him, I think this is pretty good for so-called “noobs”.
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