mmm… swedish.
You check that link Rbeer?
mmm… swedish.
You check that link Rbeer?
Yeah, Holiday thing… so I am just looking for stuff to do…
Yeah checking that link now… yeah, if I meet up with Sweds is cool! We got tons of sweds in hawaii! Yeah… I just dont want to make the most of it…!
Wait sweeeeds? Where did u hear this news?
well there are always european backpackers in sydney (i think?)…maybe not swedes but you know the swedes are the best
lol! Riiight , I like everyone except russians!
Those slippery f***in russians!
LOL from Snatch!! That movie is funny as…hmm dont know if australia is a desired destination place for the russians
Thats where all the Russian mobsters retire at…
So if you kill a russian in Sydney… make sure no one is left alive that knows them! :bad:
Or else your gona have sisters, nephews and grandma’s with switchblade’s and ak’s after you!
oooooooo!! sounds like you know more info than me
russianbeer is your dad a russian mobster? lol jk
My dad is a honest artist… !
My Uncle and my cousin is a diffrent story… Is it just me or does everyone has an cousin who is always ploting something!
lol well my cousins seem fairly normal…maybe the 4 year old one is plotting something :!:
im off for dinner now, talk to you later russianbeer
See you man, say hi to your Kangarou for me!
I am still gathering ideas here… so if you have info… POST!
his name is skip, he is my form of transport around canberra
Visit some Kirupa friends that actually live there… and annoy them. Mooha.
hehehe… How about I got to YOUR Kajinku house and ANNOY you! :beam:
hehe i second that idea…
Yes, please. I’m so bored for the moment…
I think I might remove the little ball from my brand new DELL mouse and put it on the ground. Hopefully someone will break his neck when passing by.
Anyway, erm… I’m living in Belgium, not Australia.
You think ur so far, Dont you guys speak like 4 diffrent language dialecs in belgium. And soon i will go to france, and up to germany… so you aint that safe home boy!
oooooo russian beer will bring his dodgy cousin as well…now that is scary!! lol
4? I think there’s a dialect for each city here… And yes, we speak Dutch, French and tiny bit of German in Belgium, that’s right.
Shall I put some beers in the fridge?
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