Yeah, he’l sell you guys fake ATM’s and phone cards…!
Oh no! How cruel!
Now seriously I need to do something in sydney… I already though of a few things… and yeah see the sights but just in case I am getting ready. I mean at first I had a good purpose to go there, but the gal I went to see ripped my heart out and threw it at me! So i need a new plan!
Chick hunting!
yes well go with soulty and his tips as i know jack s**t about what to do in sydney seeing as i only visit every few months or so
me a tourist supervisor. lol. But seriously there is alot of thing you can do at cronulla, check the site. Other things you can do in sydney is head to the city, go to darling harbour, go to some night clubs there, go to the imax theatre, go to the rocks in the city, walk the harbour bridge. Go to Fox studios. Watch some proffessional sport, rubgy league. Theres plenty to do!
Alright thanks man! I’l just bump it to see if theres anyone else that knows…
Isnt the drinking age in australia 18? Not that I drink much , just want to know…
yep. 18 for drinking, for most all clubs, 18 for basically everything unless said otherwise, usually 18 or 21.
Sydney is awsome… nightlife is good, Opera house and Harbour bridge views are a must see
You could come down to wollongong ( hours drive south) and do some sky diving… though i dont know about the weather, the last week we’ve had more rain than we have had all year