*Originally posted by T-O *
**and who are you? **
- Just a member of KirupaForum
*Originally posted by T-O *
**and who are you? **
actually the kkk was more of a clan …a HUGE difference from a cult!
and this nintendo cult is destined to be great…so dont be a dream destroyer!
*Originally posted by E1KO *
**hey T-O, if you love nintendo so much how come you have a sony based character as avatar ??
just wondering cause you say you love nintendo so much i thought you woulda had like mario or something …
dunno i am just asking.
E1kO **
true, I’ll get on it!
*Originally posted by danielthelion *
**actually the kkk was more of a clan …a HUGE difference from a cult!
and this nintendo cult is destined to be great…so dont be a dream destroyer! **
That’s true, you’re right. I won’t destroy dreams :). I like the name though…Dream Destroyer, sort of rolls off your tounge, actually no it doesn’t. Dang.
^^^agree with netrix^^^
what you talking about dude …
THIS IS MY 201st POST !!! woo hoo !!!
just though you’ed like to hear some new information about the Nintendo DS, (wich happens to kick asss)
hey sharif … what does hip hop and and girls have to do with buying a console ??
i have a girlfriend and i listen to all types of music and i have both x-box, gamecube and a PC.
so nice try on the burn but wasn’t as good as other i have seen you pull out !!!
keep thinkning…
*Originally posted by T-O *
**didn’t u know, nintedo is the most bougth consol over the world. and X-Box is the last on the list. **
Heh, that’s just because Nintendo has been around for ages now. I remember when I was about twelve years old, EVERYONE had a gameboy. That was Nintendo. All their consoles existed back then as well. The X-box is the first of it’s kind, and now you start saying that “nintendo is the most bought console”. Well duh :sure:
Also, the gamecube’s price has lowered to $ 100, while the Xbox and PS2 are still at about $ 199. So they’re cheaper, thus sell better.
Also, the huge fanbase Nintendo has built up over those years won’t suddenly switch to another kind of system. They’ll stick to the familiar consoles and brand (Nintendo), which means they don’t necessarily buy it for it’s quality. Xbox is relatively new, and still needs to build up their fanbase. So making statements right now is just unfair, as the Xbox hasn’t even had the chance to compare itself to Nintendo. Wait and see in a couple of years.
*Originally posted by T-O *
**true E1KO, flame war sucks, Sharif always makes it personal. **
*Originally posted by T-O *
**wonder what shrif was lissening before he started lissening to hip hop. Probally the teletubbies theme song… **
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