Desperate Site Check

I have taken a huge break from the contruction of my site, but now I’m back on track and working on it more.

Things that need to be done/I need help on fixing/are majorly f’d up :):

  1. The splash page is temp, a new and better one is in the works
  2. The site itself is slow as hell due to big, moving pictures
  3. The transistions suck but will be better
  4. The text is blurry because I can’t get it to work(need help)
  5. The rollovers suck
  6. The buttons in the bottom right don’t do squat

wow that’s a lot…maybe I should wait until I’m kinda done but I want to know how the site looks in other browsers and computers. Bash it, love it, I don’t really care but suggestions are much needed :slight_smile:

Check it out

-Deano :be:

I like the layout. Might wanna include preloaders in your list also. Waited forever for the pages to come up. Thought there was nothing there at first.

not to bad, but i found the text a bit blurry on my PC, not sure if that is my PC’s fault or something to do with your flash.

i liked the layout but the buttons annoyed me a little with the 3 bars of colours popping up every so often … kinda disorentating…

umm thats all i can think of…
i wanna see updates !!


the text is hard to read because of the lack of a single color background and white text.

read what I said before :slight_smile: I address the text problem and the rollover crapyness lol. I didn’t even think of preloaders (oops), I guess I just have a fast computer so it never looked slow to me. About the text I had maaaajor probelms. SOOOOOOO annoying. What happened is for some reason the swfs that are loaded into the container become squished up! I have tried everything, changing the size of the container, fooling around with the text perameters…everything.


can’t do much about the white text on multi color background thingy…sorry:(

I like it. I think it would be better maybe centered and had a nice image wrapped around it. Maybe some nice tile that fits the look.

It’s funny I have the song Turn Me On by Kevin Lyttle on and the little beat was going perfect with your site and the bouncing of the navigation.

I don’t like the text transitions. It just seems odd it flying in from somewhere. Maybe find another way to have it appear smoother.

I don’t like the font. You got this cool Miami 70’s style going and that pixel font doesn’t mesh to well.

P.S. I think you have the best dang footer I’ve ever seen… especially that text bit below the image.

First of all, do a simple preloader. I thought nothing would come up. Interesting color combo. The buttons pumping up and down get a bit annoying and take the triple color combo to overkill state. The font color is a bit off, however the palm trees are a nice touch being all white.

Keep up the good work

Yes finally a comment by Ethan that is not sarcastic lol. Ok I will work on the preloader thing. I can’t find a pixel font that looks like what I want :frowning: I had a better one before, but if you above a bit, I explain the smooshage (I can make up words if I want) of the text. So I had to find I font that was readable while being “smooshed.” About the transitions, I wanted to do some masking action, but could never figure out masking with dynamic text lol.

Thanks for the great feedback

P.S. After seeing those pics of Ethan’s new site, I realized I need to go to the gym more than 2 times a week :wink:

I really like the layout and style, I am partial to the retro style though. For not being done, I thought it was very good. The trees in the background that move, and a good effect. Some things that I didn’t like were, the date, it is just sitting their and dosen’t fit in at all. Another thing I didn’t like was the scrollbar thing, it is kinda childish. I would change it. Other then that it was great.

Haha, the things you didn’t like, I didn’t make lol. The date is a stupid component, I guess I’ll take it out :). The scrollbar is a component too because I don’t know enough AS to make my own, but whats wrong with it?


I have my source files from if you want them. There is the code to set-up a scrolling text area. Just change the button images that are the up and down.
Let me know if you want them

Thanks man! I guess people just like to press buttons more than dragging a bar. I’m too lazy to change it though lol. Thanks anyways! Wait, did you make that moba site?


i found the mother of all problems with that site, its made on a mac!

gaah! just because my comp looks cooler and is faster than urs, don’t be mad :wink:

Yes I made moba’s site. You like it?

Have to agree with cubed on the Mac issue, you should look into that ASAP :wink:

But seriously… I think the site is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than your last one (high contrast green & black, right?) Really, loads upon loads better. I think the button animation should be less of a loop, make it come up and bounce once and then stay or something. I think the buttons in the lower right could be a little better too, maybe fitting with how smooth everything else on the site is. I really dig the spinning/scrolling background and the colors. You have to ditch the date under the title though, it reminds me of when I just started learning javascirpt and I would have the date and time and tons of cool message boxes on my site… heh… but back on topic… As people have said, the text going over the 3 color bars is a bit of a problem… I was thinking that maybe a nice curved solid color box can pop in from the right to go behind the text? Or maybe when you click on something the two color bars to the right can slide off stage, leaving just their lines at the bottom… Just something to make it easier to read. I won’t repeat anything else anyone else has said about blurry fonts ect… etc…

looks really good though, just a little more work :thumb:

oh, and seriously about the mac stuff - make the text a bit more stylish or get rid of it, as it also cheapens the design.

I think the layout and animations are good, its just the content areas that are a problem. I found the scroll bar massive. Also the ‘Made on a mac’ text looked out of place just slapped there. I think the rollovers suit the site but the animation and size is a little out of place.

Just work on the content areas and buttons the main structure of the site is fine.

i found the mother of all problems with that site, its made on a mac!


Thanks people! Good stuff! Would you rather have a scrollbar with buttons? I like the idea with the option of having a plain color background, I’m working on that. Sniff I will take out “Made on a Mac” lol and the date. what can I do with the botttom buttons? Soulify them? lol


P.S. ETHANM: Yeah the moba site is waaaay cool! Smooth as hell too