Nuptuals in Connecticut

this lovely lady spent her wedding night getting a different set of “wedding photos” …

…down at the Graybar Hotel…

click here for the story

Just proof that you don’t necessarily have to live in a Trailer to be Trailer Trash…



Phil posted this about 3 days ago

yep its true sorry rev. funny story though.

but this has a newly released Police Report with new details…

we find out she almost kicked out the police cruiser’s back door…

that kind of juicy info…


I’ve only seen one picture of you fil, and it wasn’t that bad, but that must’ve been the best picture of your life if Rev looks better than you. shudders at the thought of looking at Rev

If Phil had clicked the link, he would have phound that the report was just released, with new spicey tidbits, which is what I was posting about…

big brain, my asscrack!



This is funny (phunny) watch 2 mods battle, because what ever one does, the other can do back.

Abso-phucking-lutely hilarious. Go phil.

we could always turn our attention elsewhere…

say a tint towards the copper?


Oh ****.

bomb noises

incoming! Batten down the hatches!

doesn’t copper turn a lovely shade of green as it ages past the ugly brown stage?


I can’t remember who used to have their Status set at “I banned Kirupa once” so, if a mod can ban an admin, then I think mod can ban mod

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**doesn’t copper turn a lovely shade of green as it ages past the ugly brown stage?

Rev **

Like my WW2 helmet?

Actually, if you look at the old picture of me and turn the brightness up to about 80+ on your monitor it looks right - orangish

That, or I missed something vital because of my youthly ignorance/lack of knowledge compared to an adult


If you are going to start making fun of our new governor already, then at least have the respect to spell the Governator’s name correctly you old Goat…


Hehe, governator.

New poll:

Who is the better mod

Phil Jayhan


Yeah! I got a mod on my side.

(good good, soon I shall rule the world!!! or destroy it - whatever comes first)

I vote phil. Because he standing up for me.

By the way phil, check out the pixel people thread

Hello phil good buddy old pal

Um phil, I thought you had a death ray during the first few months of vbulletin forums. I remember having to use my land-yacht time machine to get a piece of it for you. Oh the good ole days.


Not to take away from the geekfest but doesn’t this chic’ look like Tonya Harding??