O.K. I suck Please help

Well I’m kinda close to a web site I have been building for the youth group at my church, I though it would be good for experience and all. but I still have a question about how to load the site in to a browser that fits the movie and doesn’t change the size of or move it all the way to one side of the screen. check it out to see what I mean.

youth site


youth movie

I would be greatfull for anyone that can help me

Here’s a link to a javascript popup window generator:

hope this helps :cool:

well…if you jus wanna center it on the page you can put


around the



[edit by lostinbeta]Please use the PHP VBcode tags when posting HTML code since the board converts that code it screws up the layout if you post certain tags.[/edit]

center centers the animation horizontally, how would you center it vertically?

hey sniggins … i don’t want to be mean

but i’ve posted the code for it 2 or 3 times … you really should run a search around the forums :wink:


<table width="100%" height="100%">
<tr align="center" valign="middle">
<object width=someWidth height=someHeight>
<embed src="swf here"></embed>