well it looks like i am going to have to start saving for FLASH MX. my tiral ran out:-\
any one want to donate? lol
I know all of you are jumping for joy right now
but as i like to say ’ i will be back’:beam:
well it looks like i am going to have to start saving for FLASH MX. my tiral ran out:-\
any one want to donate? lol
I know all of you are jumping for joy right now
but as i like to say ’ i will be back’:beam:
reformat… no way this isnt my computer. everyone in my familly uses it(-:
thats not as easy as it sounds :sure:
I would give you a key to use… But…
You would have to ensure me that you would buy the full product in the near future… For that is the only wya I’d give you a key to use…
Peace Out
just download it.:beam:
i have a key if needed
the thing is i really dont want to get caught and get a huge fine
the chances of you getting caught are so very very very small. usually the ones who use it dont get caught, but the ones who distribute the actual download. id say a good 30% of ppl who have the program have an illegal copy.
Understandable… I just use key’s for when my trial period runs out… Thta way I can still save up for the program and still use it after the trial period is up…
It works out better that way… You would just not be able to register your name and keycode in with the main macromedia database until you got the final paid for copy… Cause they can’t tell if you have a key any other way then…C ause that would be invasion of privacy… Which is a severe federal offence which can be sued for… Interesting eh?
Alex, don’t use an illegal copy. We here at kirupaforum do not agree with, condone or support the use of illegal software and it is a great offense here.
I can’t stand people who love to cheat the companies that give us such great programs. Many of those same people sit here and say how much they love the program. Well if they love it so much, they should support the company and pay for it! It is worth the money.
I don’t want you to get the wrong idea out of this from me beta…
Me perosnally… I have the entire Flash Studio MX series in my home library… it’s just… Before I could afford to buy the whole set… I needed one more paycheck… SO I used a dubbed key for like… a week until I could afford the set…
That way… I didn’t have to take time out of me developing and I could continue on with my programming goodness…
I wouldn’t have suggested the key idea if he wasn’t going to pay for it at all… I for one am totally against that as well…
Hey Playamarz, you at least bought the software, that is what counts You supported the company who brought you the programs you love.
i am just going to save up for it. if i used the key i would feel really guilty about it :-\
Most definetly brother.
I wouldn’t see fit any other way… I see people dubbing games and stuff and it makes me think… Man I’d hate to have that happen if I actually developed a game out there… That WOULD suck!
That’s less money in my packets then… And come on… It’s a total rip off…
Later Man
Yeah, just putting yourself in the programmers shoes helps you to see why illegal software… well… is illegal.
I mean, I know I wouldn’t want to put in countless hours, of countless days, of countless months, adding up to years of work just so people can rip me off. And I know if anyone else says they wouldn’t be mad, they are lying!
its soo expensive for a 15 year old who doesnt work i will just have to take out a couple of loans :beam:
I didn’t have work and I was… mmm… 17 when I started saving. And I was 18 when I finally got it.
I started saving for Flash 5, but by the time I saved up enough, Flash MX was already out…lol. It took me that long… but it was SOOOO worth it.
GO into a computer store nera you… Staples or somehting… Have your dad or something put it on a low low interest cred card… And pay him back that way…
And Yeha… I know what you mean beta… I’d probably lop some heads off lol
i had to use a download for a while. i couldnt wait, cus i wanted a banner for my site that badly, hehe. but i finally got my uncle, who is a multimedia freelancer who does jobs for ppl, to buy me it :beam:
i understand where ur comin from tho alex, i used the download for a while, and i didnt get caught.
Truth be told… Things are gteting mighty expensive…
Like gas… Grrr… 1.43 / gallon… Cheapest price too… Tlak about a gip,… And just think if we go to wra soon? Skyrocket those gas prices!
u know what? i think its a plan from the government. they raise gas money until we are payin like 5 bucks a gallon, then everyones wantin to go to war…
AHHH!!! gas is gonna be 5 bucks a gallon, and then the next version of flash is gonna be 1000 bucks!!!
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