I’m just curious to see how many of you either bought or pirated Flash (whatever version). Do not reply if you want to stay anonymous. Nothing’s going to happen when you vote, I just want to know, or get an idea of the percentage of you who actually bought this wonderful program. I for one shelled out $150 for the upgrade to MX after kicking and screaming to pay the $500 for Flash 5. Before, i’d install a new copy of Windows everytime my demo ran out (yeah, that desperate).
One more note, be honest. There’s no way any of the mods, or even kirupa can tell which user voted for which choice.
I pirated Flash MX. Flash MX costs $499 here in Brazil. (checked on Macromedia’s web site)
1$ = R$3
Means i would have to spend almost R$1500 to buy Flash. Most people’s sallary here is bellow $500. That would make buying Flash MX impossible.
I dont know if im right, but thats how i handle it :-\
Where I work, we are about to get some new software (the mx studio) and I would like to know how this works? Do you use the same copy at home as you do at work with the same serials and everything? are you allowed to update 2 versions with the same serial number?
I think Pirated versions are okay,
I mean alot of people learn the programs that way, and once they learn it, and are out in the work force, they will purchase those products, because the already know them so well…
Buying a program for 500$ for a student, thats working and studing, is a steep price. So for most people its okay, but if you are making money of the thing, have the decency to buy it and support those developers…
I guess thats the key word:
If I can **afford ** it , I would buy it!
But because I cant, there is no point of me just sitting here dreaming about it, might as well use it, learn it, until I can get a job with it, then… I would be able to afford it!
I was able to pick up the full version of MX off of an Ebay auction for a little over $100 US. im 14 yrs. old and make about $20 a week doing what i do, so ebay is the cheapest legal way i can go. I bought Photoshop 7 off of ebay, but the guy sent me a burnt disk, so i emailed him and he’s giving me a refund. but i have to find another one. all well, ebay is the way i got MX, cause my school is too cheap to buy updated programs.
sorry guys. mine is a pirate. Cannot afford right now, although i AM geting the real version in sept when my student loan comes through. (no, really!) I fully understand the effort MM have put into the wonderfull program and i feel it is only fair that i obtain the software fairly, when i can afford it. (after paying my bills, i only have about £400 a month to live off, so i hope you see why i have not bought it yet) I feel bad being a software pirate, but i htink i would feel even worse if i didn’t have flash!
*Originally posted by SureShot *
**Fester - tell me more my man…
Where I work, we are about to get some new software (the mx studio) and I would like to know how this works? Do you use the same copy at home as you do at work with the same serials and everything? are you allowed to update 2 versions with the same serial number? **
Mines a pirate, but I don’t feel too bad. I don’t even have a site. All I use it for is to learn the language and learn motion tweening and stuff just for fun. Now, if I had a site, I’d buy flash or not use it at all.
i bought it. i was thinking of getting the Pirated version, but i didnt want to steal it. So i bought it with my money that i earned in the summer from working.
The company where I worked for my day job bought us Photoshop 5 and 5.5 ang Flash 5 then Flash MX all for single license. We used it in all our computers. I liked the software that much I some nice people from KaZaa “shared” it to me a long time ago!