Onc a year drinking game... get those cups ready!

Every time, Pres. Bush says these words tonight…

you got to take a drink my brethren:

economic state
poonjab (i know a long shot… but I’ve always wanted him to say it)
sept 11th

a shot for any Texan euphemisms…

and if if gives you the Texan look… why, you got to cheers the man.

add on if you like… who’s playing with me?

Man… I don’t think there is enough booze in this world to cover us all drinking over those words :wink:

“And how do you feel about the conflict in North Korea, Mr. President?”

“We must attack IRAQ!”

“I see. And how do you respond to the environmental groups that say you are attempting to poison the worlds population by considering the drilling in Alaska?”

“We must attack IRAQ!”

hahah - jubba has it down to a tee!

If that’s what he could say - I am sure he would.

I am gonna drink with ya man!!

Now I can definitely see us laughing it up together! I’m not the type to worry about someone stealing thunder, so, let me say, you said it perfectly…

and I can see our Prime Minister copying down every word for a later date… “We must attack Irac!(hang on, he pronounced it wrong…IraK!, that’s the one, I can remember that.)”

don´t you, marius?


I was a bartender for a few years in college… And up until the new year, I pretty much lived in a select few :beam: :beam: :hangover: