One more critique on my logo

They wanted something with more luster and shine give me your opinions on this one

or this one one??


I’m having a bit of trouble with the reflection in #1… I don’t know what it is tho…

#2 looks real clean…

how about that for a waffle?


I llike the second also the reflection on the first looks better when the logo is n the scene that is causeing the reflection. I may just suck it up and do it in LW7.5 but this i preprod so I just did it in swift 3d.

2nd one is much better and cleaner IMO.

Both are pretty good tho.

I like the second one…Just looks smoother.

The first one is… chunky or something. I dunno.
I like how smooth the second one is. I think you should stick with that.

off topc aislin.footer=" "

rofl, i love that site, those kids must be losers lol

yeah it is really really really really really really funny