first of all, this site is mostly for fun. it’s in the rough stages right now, but this is the general idea i’m going with. plan to have a dedicated menu after the user visits the first time
i like the look and feel of it.
it’s like a murder mystery/haunted house kinda feel!
pretty cool
yeah, that’s the idea i’m lookin’ for…spooky.
interesting. Try to add some texture to make it more interesting.
i like it, good and original. very interesting idea and I ithink you
pulled it off. nice job.
The only thing I’d suggest is to work on the light effect. It’s a little
hard to read sometimes as teh opacity is a just a tad too high.
You may want to try doing a reverse mask, where it’s all dark
except for where you mouse is. That way you aren’t putting
anything over the area you want to read. The mask would be
clearing away, rather than covering it up. make sense?
i liked it, very diffrent from the common lay out of a site. Very nice.
Yeah, that’s sweet. It was a little too dark but i like it
Well done - Dave
I really really like this.
The whole thing is very similar to the idea of Blair witch project. Which i am a big fan of (Well the original anyway).
I will look forward to you finishing it.
More background graphics would make it nicer. Its too bare.
*Originally posted by UNFLUX *
**i like it, good and original. very interesting idea and I ithink you
pulled it off. nice job.
The only thing I’d suggest is to work on the light effect. It’s a little
hard to read sometimes as teh opacity is a just a tad too high.
You may want to try doing a reverse mask, where it’s all dark
except for where you mouse is. That way you aren’t putting
anything over the area you want to read. The mask would be
clearing away, rather than covering it up. make sense? **
i had been using a mask, but it leaves a sharp circle and not a gradient shape. i was trying to make it dark everywhere but where the light was…anybody got any ideas how to do that?
Man thats excellent… i browsed through it earlier i wa slike… GAY… but then i started reading, and its perfect… i wanted to see the conclusions… and it gets all your information ouit there too its excellent… also you might want to add a quick navigator on the bottom or somethign so a person could jump to a perticular page… j ust a thought but good work man… :chinaman:
are u a fan off resident evil the game ?
*Originally posted by Cheez00 *
**Man thats excellent… i browsed through it earlier i wa slike… GAY… but then i started reading, and its perfect… i wanted to see the conclusions…and it gets all your information ouit there too its excellent… also you might want to add a quick navigator on the bottom or somethign so a person could jump to a perticular page… j ust a thought but good work man… :chinaman: **
lol…glad you actually read it. i’m gonna try to add a shared object “cookie” to display a menu if they’ve already read it
and yeah, resident evil was fun, but i didn’t really consider that when i came up with the idea
I would say very original. my only concern would be it is tough to take a quick visit to your site find out what you need to know contact you whatever and thats it.
I like the idea but I think IMO that you should offer something else with some quick info too. Maybe I am to strict with web sites having to give quick straight to the point info… i dunno. For entertainment I’d give you a 10+ for ease of use/convienence well it would be quite lower. However, keep up the original idea’s and do what you feel is best.
see if this technique helps.
just have it follow the mouse with the clear part nearest the
mouse, and the darker part outwards.
maybe a page curl animation on mouse over for the continue button?