Opinions please

Hi all, this is my first post on the kirupa forum, please be gentle with me :slight_smile:

I’m a novice with flash, and have used this brilliant site to help me with with my first project, which is to re-hash my photo website. I would be very grateful if you would take a look at my test site and give me your opinions, advice, and criticisms :


I’ve still some work to do eg. adding more pics and testing


for your first attempt at flash, looks great. its a hell of a lot better than my first attempt. as for critique, make the home page and the gallery page separate, on the home, have sometihng like news and updates.
the gallery is fine (you’ve got quite some tallent with the camera) except have a simpler animation for introducing the picture like a fade in or a wipe, and use one per camera, or just one. its nice to keep things standard sometimes.
aside from that, make the gallery thing a tab like the others as opposed to some out standing thing (it confused me at first). well, thats the bad news out of the way. the good news is you are one hell of a good photographer, and the sites design (artisticly and all that) is pretty good

smaller fonts, and smaller background grid i think would make it look cleaner and maybe change the font on the JB images banner thing, to maybe like an arial or verdana. Other than that i think it rules for a first time site, lot better then my first one was, heck even my second and third, lol

many thanks coppertop and themachine for taking the time to look at the site and give your comments. You’ve given me lots to think about, in paticular the presentation of the images, and the banner fonts, I’ll give those points some serious thought!

Once again, many thanks