Opinions please

hi guys

i have opened now a new thread because it seems as if nobody would like to tell me about his opinion about my site :frowning: @
although it doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad

Your site is nice. is it your first one?

I dont realy like it much, because there is no animation.
Your information window is not that cool its very simple. the colors on your site do not fit the colors on your background thats why the text is not that clear and In the start I did not know where to begin ?

1)-Try to change the background to more “chill” background
2)-The font colors dont fit the site.
3)-Background animation dont do a thing becouse of your background.

If you just change your boring background.

Thats what I think of your site. Dont get me wronge
Good work with the drawing thing :thumb:

thank you

no it’s not my first site

but i think the web became boring all that super animations here and there and all that clear , metal and reflection look.

i tried to design it a bit dirty and simple you know!!

you can visit my old page (it is also not very good i think you would think )

my old one

but really thank you for your opinion !!

I like the designing logos and detecting users systems, thats clever.

Did you come up with the ideas and code it yourself?

I agree with you, I’m getting a bit bored with the metal look too…

Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

[SIZE=1]PS. I think you mean site, not side. As in “check out this cool site!”, and a use for side would be “Oh man, the side of my car got scratched!”[/SIZE]

thank you :slight_smile: !!

yes i did all on my own and use my own ideas

it is very very important for me that i do that !!!
oh yes and site :beam:

whats it for? when i press enter it goes blank?

that should not be
isn’t there a field with “sending and receiving data” ??

I find it very different as u say, and that’s why I like it…its a bit dark :slight_smile: but hey I was there too! Great idea about the signs and + it works!


i like it, but i want to know hwo you got the platform detection!

thanks !!

the platform detection is quiet easy.
although i think i did’nt make it very professional :).
i made it with php. you could also do it with flash(System.capabilities) and java but with flash it would not be possible to detect linux and with java the variable operation to php is not very common. so i decided for php.

first you use:
$userAgent = $_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’];
and then you search with "strpos($userAgent,“Windows”); for windows and if windows was found you search 98 2000 95 or xp
and so on…

if you want i can send you my script :slight_smile: