Ordered forum / solutions to problems

It is obvious to me that not only can most of our members not handle ordered without supervision, but aparently neither can our moderators. I’m not going to go into specifics. Appologies have been offered and accepted where they needed to be, bannings have been applied where they needed to be. For the moment all is stable.
I have been attempting a more hands off aproach, partially because I wanted to see how it went that way, and also because I simply have limited time to be online and reading these threads. That stops now. My solution to the problem is multifold, but involves focusing moderation away from everyone but myself and Kirupa for the moment. It doesnt’ apear as if any mods are doing moderation in there anyway, so this shouldn’t be a problem. I will be going through the forum twice a week at first, more or less if necessary. I will be moving many threads into the random section, and I will be deleting posts, or closing threads depending upon necessity.

First, I ask that you mods read the rules Kirupa and I have set down so far and that you follow them. If you cannot follow them I will ask privately that you leave ordered. It is infinitely worse when we cannot follow the rules than if a member breaks them. We ruin the integrity of the system that’s set into place allowing other members to abuse the system with the same actions. If you cannot refrain from telling someone off, you have no business posting in ordered at all.
Secondly, if I or Kirupa come into a thread to administer moderation to the conversation I ask that you keep all your comments to yourself. If you have issue with the actions as we have taken them, post a reply HERE in the private forum and we will discuss those ideas. It is not necessary, nor productive to display approval or disaproval to moderation in the threads themselves.

thank you for your time.

comments are always welcome

Since I got into trouble with rev’ because of his replies in ordered, I never went back in there and never will. All I have to say.