my dentist asked me if i ever wore braces and when i said “no” he was appalled that my teeth were so straight. what can i say, i’m perfect…
lol… well that’s why we all love you pinx… cuz your perfect;)
Soul… health hazard cuz they stuck outta my mouth at a 90 degree angle and could probably be used to open cans and small children
Open small children, cool
- Soul :s:
open small children? i’m getting a weird horrible image in my mind.
yea that was scary, but funny at the same time…
Thats 28! Scary but funny
that i am… that i am
And kinda ugly
- Soul :s:
that i am…
Nah I’m kiddin man, haven’t seen you! Can I?
- Soul :s:
lol sure… here
28 has a face! Why you have to pull a funny face? Gimme a normal pic… unlesss that is you normal?!
- Soul :s:
haha… i dont have a normal face… you can like watch me type to you and stuff if you go here
just keep clickin refresh
Don’t look at me like that
Show us your war scar!! :beam:
- Soul :s:
I can’t… it’s too hard to open my mouth like that… you can’t really see it… I’ll kinda like point at it though…
Hehe thank you :thumb: Now close your mouth dirty boy
- Soul :s:
did you see the high soul sign?
Woooo! I got a note :love: Draw me :thumb:
- Soul :s: