I’ve just got a new computer and was wondering what P2P programs people use and would recommend…the latest one i used was kazaa but ive heard a few bad things about it…
there is a new one but not very pop. as kazaa. it is called shareaza. download it from www.shareaza.com
if it’s for legal use (if there are any :P), kazaa lite would be a good choice
aeh, i would recomment kazaa lite. the normal one has to many trojans
The url is something like kazaa-lite.tk
yap, same here - kazaa lite ^
Edit: before posting a comment people should read other ones :)[/SIZE]
its kazaa but no spyware, technology these days
Another KaZaA Lite here… Much beter.
Can i take my incomplete files from my shared folder from kazaa to kazza lite? , drag and drop them into the lite shared, so i can resume there?
hm… I think you can, because I just did that with the older version of kazaalite files and they are working normally
Kool! run to the link to start installing kazza lite :beam:
anything i need to know about kazza lite? any known virus, any updates need to do??
Yeah kazza lite is like soo much better than kazza! Dan is doing a website for a new one too…
kazza lite!!! but hey, did anyone notice that it keeps asking if you want to update every time you open it? is there a way to kill that. it is SO annoying.
All good the downloads resume in lite fine, iam up and running!, seem alot quicker than kazaa! , less stress on my computer too . **** that spyware!!
*Originally posted by golgi *
**kazza lite!!! but hey, did anyone notice that it keeps asking if you want to update every time you open it? is there a way to kill that. it is SO annoying. **
Get the newest KaZaA lite version, called K-Lite Master or something like that…
Kazaalite includes little program Speed Up, it has some cool features. It is kinda accelerator: it finds more sources for your downloads, check it.
cool, thanks didius
In the latest ver. speedup is built in, 'k’alled Kazap, now. Basically the same thing though
What you need to know about K-Lite
Yes, it’s a trillion times better than Kazaa, and the tools are fantastic. (You’re going to like stuff like .AVI preview and whatnot. Let’s you check to make sure the files you’re downloading are the one’s you think they are.)
Another thing I tend to enjoy is the compatability with the “Verified” site.
To check it out, go to the Web tab in K-Lite, it’s got a link to ‘Verified’ and some other sites.
Jep, I like those Verified too, but they are so often not reachable, but when you got them, you are happy. Anyhow