Parrot gone depressed!

^ shoo off…go spam somewhere else :P…bahhhhhhhhhh

Hey Footsie, just wondering how your parrot is? S/he feeling any better yet?

Hope so…

Sice she’s not here atm, I can say that her bird was cured for an eye infection, and is now as frisky as ever :slight_smile:

hey leisuresuit_l, yeah my bridie is just fine now :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: thanks. Turned out he had eye infection which the vet cleared out and now he’s back to his normal antics :smiley: it sure is a relief.phewww :slight_smile:

hehe thanks Eilsoe…u r most much sweet :smiley:

Fester ma man… Sorry to say… But your baby is ugly!!! :lol:

But I never knew that YOU were such a beautiful parrot! :lol: :thumb:

:lol: thanks?

Glad to hear your parrot is better Footsie

thanks fester :slight_smile:

Yea Koochie… Glad to hear that too! W00t! :slight_smile:

thanks puki :slight_smile:

off topic:
u bad bad boy, u’ve been missing from msn!

sorta off topic… but are birds a good pet? I’ve been toying with either the idea of a cat, a bird, or even maybe a chinchilla. I’d prefer to have a dog but my complex doesn’t allow them :*(

I like interactive pets (even though a chinchilla wouldn’t be one), and birds are pretty intellegent so I’ve been thinkin about gettin one to train it and all that.

Ooohh yeaahhh birds can be pretty interactive as well…teehee my parrot and my sister have a whistling competition daily …hehehe talk abt being interactive :smiley:

Well for one thing… I hate pets… And even if I ever decide to have a pet… It would either be tiger (a cub ofcourse) or… Nope… Only that…

[ot]I seriously, utterly HATE dogs! [/ot]

that’s nice… especially since I didn’t ask that :wink:
[ot]grass is green[/ot]

and not that i want to jack the thread, but i noticed lots of bird lovers in here… so ya know :smiley: :lol:

I know… I’m a bird lover too… Just don’t like pets… That’s it! :wink:

Ever read my name? :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

sorry to point out your mistake fesey but the original looked like this right?:beer::trout:


anyways birds tend to go silent for a while andthen get back to normal.just try giving it a few treats and put him out side during early mornings and evenings.that works !

Takes time for them to get adjusted to a new enviorment, Climatic condition, etc. After few days once they know they are safe and they have a friendl enviorment they are going to be fine.

:lol: kantaman thats great

hah, I know :stuck_out_tongue: